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Privacy Policy

Thank you for entrusting your ceremony to my leadership. I will do my utmost to create a very personal and meaningful ceremony that will be in accordance with your requirements.

In order to perform my role as a wedding celebrant and write your ceremony script I will need to collect a range of personal information from you. This will include things like names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, along with personal stories that you and, possibly your friends and family, choose to share with me.


Your information is used only for the purpose of producing your unique ceremony. It will not be passed on or sold to any third parties. I will however need to share your script with other Open Sanctuary Celebrants, in the rare event that, because of an emergency, I am unable to undertake your ceremony and they will take my place to deliver your marriage ceremony. I store your personal details electronically and it is backed up to an external hard drive, all of which are encrypted and protected by firewall and passwords. Printed scripts are destroyed after use. Information about you and your final script will be retained electronically for a period of seven years unless you notify me in writing to delete it sooner. I will delete it within 48 hours of any written request.


Specific consent for the use of photographs for marketing purposes may be given for a limited period of time, and may be withdrawn by you at any time. Should consent be withdrawn any photographs used in printed form eg leaflets, further copies will not be printed.

​ Privacy policy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), requires all businesses organisations, who collect and use personal information, to do so in a manner that protects your privacy and rights. The GDPR covers the processing of all personal data. I treat your data with the utmost care and will only use or share it for the purposes agreed with you in advance.


Any personal or family details discussed are purely for the purposes of writing your ceremony, which you will see and approve. I will not disclose these details to anyone who is not a guest at, or connected to, your ceremony, without your express written consent. All notes taken are shredded after use. Scripts are retained on secure computer files. Printed scripts are destroyed after use except a paper copy of the script that I will send to you after the ceremony.


All personally identifiable data will be destroyed after seven years of the ceremony taking place.


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