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jean thomson
May 29, 20242 min read
Honouring loved ones at your wedding ceremony
There are lots of lovely ways to include loved ones who are no longer with us. A period of reflection early on in the ceremony where I...

jean thomson
Aug 17, 20231 min read
How to honour a deceased loved one on your wedding day.
While weddings are a joyous occasion, it difficult to fully celebrate in the absence of a loved one. There are many symbolic ways you can...

jean thomson
Mar 28, 20230 min read

jean thomson
Mar 11, 20231 min read
The Gift of 13 coins
Whether pinned to an apron or sealed in a bag, there’s no mistaking the importance of monetary wedding offerings to various cultures. In...

jean thomson
Mar 2, 20231 min read
Marry on the half hour and be lucky
From the land of Fung Shui comes the tradition of couples marrying on the half-hour rather than on the hour as it is said to bring luck...

jean thomson
Mar 1, 20232 min read
Grab the cake - you've pulled
A cake pull, sometimes also known as a ribbon pull, is a New Orleans wedding tradition not unlike the bouquet toss. The bride gathers a...

jean thomson
Feb 28, 20231 min read
Start a new trend at hen nights!
Need another excuse for a night with the girls before you get married? In the Czech republic, preparations for the bride start early and...

jean thomson
Feb 27, 20231 min read
Are you ready to tie the knot?
CELTIC HANDFASTING. (Tying the knot) An ancient Celtic/Medieval custom, especially common in Scotland and Ireland, in which a couple come...

jean thomson
Feb 27, 20231 min read
Say it with flowers
Indian weddings are full of inspiring traditions and rites, many of which have specific meanings. Perhaps the best know is the Mehndi...

jean thomson
Feb 25, 20231 min read
Why not try an Alternative Handfasting ceremony - the lasso
You have heard of the handfasting ceremony but the Mexicans drape their shoulders instead. Mexico’s rich heritage and ancient culture...

jean thomson
Feb 24, 20231 min read
Ditch the toss and plant the myrtle instead
Welsh brides think not only of themselves on their wedding day, but also of their bridal party. The bridal bouquet includes myrtle, an...

jean thomson
Feb 24, 20231 min read
Fancy doing the Money Dance at your wedding?
Want to add a bit of fun to your wedding and do something different? Why not do a Money dance?The Money Dance or Dollar Dance first came...

jean thomson
Feb 4, 20233 min read
What is a Caim at a Scottish Wedding?
What does a Caim mean in Scottish Gaelic –Ring or Circle of protection Caims have a specific rhyme and meter that tends to act almost...

jean thomson
Nov 18, 20221 min read
Thinking Rituals? Considered a love lock ceremony?
The love lock ceremony is a relatively uncommon ceremony although it has caught on with several celebrities. It is of Chinese Origin. It...

jean thomson
Oct 23, 20221 min read
Ready to set your vows in stone?
The Oathing stone is an ancient Celt tradition where the couple place their hands upon a stone while they say their wedding vows. It is...

jean thomson
Sep 26, 20221 min read
Considering a Ring Warming Ceremony?
An uncommon ritual is the Ring Warming Ceremony. Just before you make your entrance, I will advise the guests that your rings will be...

jean thomson
Sep 22, 20222 min read
I got asked this question this morning. My answer was Plain and simple, it is YOU, It is ALL ABOUT YOU NOT ME. I am simply the conductor...

jean thomson
Sep 2, 20221 min read
Some baby names are nearly GA-GA Gone
It doesn't matter a jot what the polls say are the popular or least popular names. What does matter is the name you choose or have chosen...

jean thomson
Aug 23, 20221 min read
Thinking about the venue? Here's a few wee tips to ask yourself and of venues
Firstly you need to think about whether you want the ceremony to be indoors or outdoors. What kind of venue are you thinking about? , On...

jean thomson
Aug 23, 20221 min read
Are you thinking of setting a date? Here's some tips.
Have you got a month or a season in mind? Make sure it doesn't clash with any major family or friends event or public holidays or...
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